Light Retouching
Exposure correction,, cropping, cleaning backgrounds, removing blemishes, light skin smoothing, reducing fine lines and a second version in: B&W

Medium Retouching
Exposure correction, cropping, cleaning backgrounds, removing blemishes, medium skin smoothing, removing/heavily reducing fine lines, liquify and a second version in B&W

Extreme Retouching
Exposure correction, cropping, cleaning backgrounds, removing blemishes, skin smoothing, removing/heavily reducing fine lines, heavy liquify, removing unwanted items from backgrounds/ changing colour of items/special retouching requests and a second version in B&W

Custom Retouching
Any specialised retouching. This is a tailor made level where all edits are designed around your needs. Here prices are based on time per image.

For more examples please get in touch, or contact me for your complimentary trail image