In A Pinhole
Placing light sensitive paper in an old camera, essentially using it as a pinhole camera I created these images. Before taking an image I placed an object that I had collected inside the camera causing it to partially obscure what I was photographing. This idea was inspired by Stephen Gills work. At first I was aiming to experiment with this approach not focusing on what I was photographing but mainly imaging buildings. These buildings were linked to the objects because I found them on the floors surrounding them. After more experimentation the outcomes lead into two separate ideas. In one was aiming to create abstract images that showed intricate structures and linear patterns. Through using this pinhole method it created each image to be unique because the placing of the object was accidental. This reflects the idea of fragility; if I moved in the slightest different way the image could have turned out completely different. The other images where of portraits taken in the studio and where aiming to create symbolic narratives that the viewer could interpret in there own personal way.
Image Specifications: Original size: 4cm x 5cm, Photograms on light sensitive paper, Scanned and resized to A3 for viewing