These two books show series of off cuts from images that have been made into a collage. I collected these pieces when with the person who was making the collage over the summer of 2011. I collected these off cuts because I found it interesting looking at the so called “no spaces” and edges that the person deemed unimportant enough to cut out when cropping the original images. I grouped these off cuts into two sections, the smaller sections being placed in the book Unknown Volume One and the larger almost whole sections in the book Unknown Volume Two.
In the book Unknown Volume One I was aiming to try to make connections between the slices and arranged them in groups to create stories and abstract images through their combinations.
In book Unknown Volume Two I was aiming to see if these discarded sections can sit as images by themselves, I assisted this notion by placing them each on a double page spread.
The overall aim of these pieces is to take the crops and unwanted parts of images and show the beauty that they hold in themselves.
Book Specifications: Size: A5, Hand made and bound, prints on fine art paper