We Do Not Remember Days, We Remember Moments
These images where made through layering and removing parts of reproduced prints of found images. The use of found images was to scrutinise the unwanted and turn them into the desired, questioning what makes an image important. The act of layering and removing sections was to represent how memories collect and distort in the brain. These images have a sense of materiality and because of there thickness have the feel of an object. It was due to this objectivity that I decided to place the images in a book: We Do Not Remember Days, We Remember Moments. The grouping of the images in one place was also to reflect how memories are collected and stored in the brain. The transparent lucidness of the paper reflects how delicate and dull memories can be once time has passed. Quotes were added in the book to further emphasise notions of dwindling memories
Book Specifications: Size, A5, Hand made and bound, Mixed media: Prints on tracing paper, text and inserts on newsprint paper and cover made from blotting paper